DNS issue
Incident Report for Clearhaus
We noticed at 2023-10-03T04:32:30Z that our DNS provider had issues.
They identified and were able to resolve the issue by 2023-10-03T05:25Z.
Since the TTL is one hour on the DNS records, the immediate impact of this issue is expected to be limited. However, during the period of the DNS issue, clients may have experienced sporadic connectivity problems or delays in accessing our services depending on their reliance on DNS.
Posted Oct 03, 2023 - 07:44 UTC
This incident affected: Payment Processing APIs (Gateway API (gateway.clearhaus.com), Gateway API Test (gateway.test.clearhaus.com)), Websites (Clearhaus (clearhaus.com), My Clearhaus (my.clearhaus.com)), and Merchant API (Production (merchant.clearhaus.com), Sandbox (merchant.test.clearhaus.com)).